Friday, June 27, 2014

Disney Movie Night: Tangled

For our Disney Movie night two weeks ago we watched Tangled.
For dinner we ate off of frying pans made from black paper plates. 
We had spaghetti, braided breadsticks, and Pascal-green peas. 
We drank "sun juice" from the Snuggly Duckling. 

Then we decorated cupcakes for Rapunzel's birthday. After decorating they got to choose one to eat. 

After dinner, they got to paint pictures of Rapunzel.

Maddy's finished picture...

Abi's picture... (she has since finished it but I didn't take any new pictures)

After painting the girls got to each use a set of blocks to build towers. 

It was such a fun movie night!


The Kings said...

So fun! You do things so cute!

Seth and Julie said...

I really do need to borrow some of these ideas because they are so simple but add that little extra ouch that makes childhood memorable. You are such an exemplary mother.

Cheryl said...

Thanks Julie. I actually , like most moms I'm sure, don't feel that way most of the time.
I really love these themed movie nights because they do give us all something to really look forward to and Maddy is just loving it so much. And sometimes it is more work than others but most of the time it is pretty easy.