Thursday, April 16, 2015

St patrick's day

Obviously I have gotten far behind since I am posting St. Patrick's Day in April! 
We started out the day with a green smoothie. 
It had a couple handfuls of spinach, a handful of frozen strawberries, a cut up banana, a couple of spoonfuls of vanilla yogurt, ice, and a tablespoon of peanut butter. 
And it was so good. 
The girls weren't sure if they wanted to eat it but then they both really liked it. 

For lunch we all had green egg salad sandwiches, celery, green pringles, applesauce, and Sprite mini cans. 
I also threw some gold nugget chocolate candies in Abi's lunch for her to share with her friends. 

We had roast with potatoes and carrots for dinner and topped off the night with homemade Shamrock Shakes. It was a very fun day.

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