Tuesday, November 3, 2020

School Pictures

Yes, I am posting!
I finally have my own computer again. One of my goals with having a "closet office" with another apple finally is to get back into blogging. The thing I have missed most is that this is a journal of our family and I feel the need to be keeping it up. 
As for now I am not going to go back and catch up to this point. I might do that later so I can print it all out, or I might do another blog to do that... not sure yet.
But what I do want to do is start at the beginning of our school year and go forward from there. 
At this point I don't know how long this will take to get back into the habit, but hoping not long. 
So, to begin with....
These are the girls' school pictures this year. 
We just moved to a small town that has some really beautiful areas for pictures. I just pulled over in a neighborhood a couple of miles from our house and took a picture in front of one of the farm's fences. 

Abigail- 9th grade

Madeline- 5th grade

 In the next post I will try to post about our first day of school. 

1 comment:

Donna said...

I'm so glad you're back to blogging again! Your blog has always been one of my favorites. The girls look beautiful. I can't believe how fast our kids are growing.