Sunday, March 12, 2023

A little bit of March so far...


All year long I look forward to participating in Middle Grade March. This is a pile of possibilities for the month. I am hoping to read more middle grade than just what is pictured, but these were the "for sure" books. So far, I have finished 5 of these 6. I also splurged this year and bought some MGM mercy. I have wanted a mug with books on it for awhile, so that just made sense. And I thought if I was picking up a mug, I may as well get a bookmark I could use all month long as well. 

Doug's mom gifted us those two yellow chairs. The only place I could think to put them is in our master bedroom/ library, and then they kind of looked out of place with the colors in our bedding. I decided to update. I got some new gold sheets, some new gold throw pillows, put away the black and white checkered ones, got out the gray blanket Doug's work gave him for Christmas, bought some matching gray pillows for the gold chairs, and voila! Our bedroom has an entirely new look. It actually matches a lot of my bookish decor (that you can't see in this picture) a lot better, so I am really happy with the results. 

For school the girls had to give a speech using a life experience. They both chose to also make a slide presentation to go with it. 

They did a great job. 

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