I have been really missing my time in the blogging world lately... with this blog and with Scones and Crackers as well. I really want to get back onto a schedule and make time for it but it has been so hard!
Homeschooling takes so much time... and I find it hard to get a chance to sit down and blog and read the many blogs I love. I am hoping to figure this out soon!
Also, my kids now have their own google accounts for their schoolwork and somehow my account has been messed up and attached to both of them so that Maddy's name shows half the time I do anything and it has my email as the one attached to Abi's account. Urgh. Hopefully my tech savvy husband can figure this out for me and then hopefully I will be back to posting regularly about our life, schooling, books, and travel.
I just got back from a trip to Mexico with Doug.. and I also haven't blogged our November Disney trip yet! For now, if you want to keep up with our life and what I am doing and reading I am very active on Instagram. It is the only social media that makes me happy. A lot of people talk about how it is the worst one but for me it is the best. I only follow those people that I know or that inspire me in some way and if I ever start feeling anxiety about anyone I follow, I stop following them. In contrast, when I get on Facebook I always leave feeling anxious because of all the arguing and negative posts. So, you can find me on Instagram where I post a ton about our school, books, and our life.
Hopefully I will be able to get my act together and get this blog back in order soon!