Sunday, August 13, 2023

A Late addition to Maddy's Golden Birthday

It came to my attention a couple of weeks ago that Doug and I had messed something up. 
When Abi had her golden birthday (thirteenth) we bought her the normal amount of presents (we do a set amount of money) but we also asked her if she wanted a room re-do. She did not. Then I woke her up at midnight to tell her happy birthday and give her a gift. Then Doug brought home a special video game for her. 
Well, when Maddy's came around (also her thirteenth), I forgot about all of that. I asked her if she wanted a room re-do, which she did. But that mainly consisted of changing from a small room to a bigger room. We bought a couple of organization items and a plant. But I completely forgot about waking her up at midnight. I didn't get her another special gift. Doug didn't do anything for her. She never complained about this or even mentioned it. 
It came up casually and I was shocked that we had done this. It had made her feel bad, not because she got less gifts, but because it made her feel not as special. 
Doug and I knew we needed to rectify this. He bought her a game she really wanted, I bought her a gold colored Copic marker, and he even brought her home balloons. We wrapped the game in gold tissue paper and put a gold bow on it. Then we called her downstairs. 

She was so surprised. 

I am so glad we were able to do it for her. I hope she always knows how precious she is to us and that she and Abi are the most wonderful daughters that we love so much, equally. 


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