Sunday, June 11, 2023

The end of May/ beginning of June

I finished the Bible! I would read in my King James Version, then I would read the same verses in the ESV, and then I would read the study notes and make notes in my KJV. So basically over the past year I read the Bible twice. It was a life-altering experience for me and has enriched my life in every way possible. I am now reading it from the beginning again with my new John MacArthur Bible commentary. 

These were my favorite books I read in May:

We found out we have clover mites outside and in the windows, so I spent an entire day deep cleaning all of the windows in the house and spraying them. Maddy asked how she could help, so she went before me dusting all of the blinds. 

We watch Road to Avonlea every Sunday night while the girls draw and I cross-stitch (usually). We also spent the last few Sundays watching Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. 

Maddy and I went to the craft store to find a frame for the painting she gave me for Mother's Day. I love seeing it on my desk every day. 

We wrapped up our paleontology unit in school. The last activity was a cookie excavating. Maddy was very precise with it. Abi was messy. 


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