Monday, January 18, 2016

2016 Word

It has been a LONG time since I did a word of the year. 
But this year I felt like I really wanted to do one. 
So what is the word I have chosen for 2016? 


Leap. Why Leap? 
Well, for one thing it is a leap year and it seemed appropriate. 
But most of all because this is a year that I want to LEAP out of my comfort zone and really make the most of life. 

First, in only a few months now I will be boarding a plane with my mom and flying to Europe for the first time in my life. This is awesome and amazing and I am so excited. But I have to admit I am a bit nervous as well. I will be leaping out of my comfort zone in so many ways. I hate flying and this will be the most flying I have ever done. I will be learning to drive on the opposite side of a car and the road. Trying to speak French and German. Getting around many different countries without any big disasters. It is going to be a big deal to go places that I have never been and I know that it will be a huge learning experience. I will also be away from my kids for 3 weeks. I have never been away from them for longer than a couple of days so this is a big deal. But this is part of who I am. I love traveling and I have felt drawn to this part of the world for as long as I can remember. I cannot wait to finally experience it. 

"Life is travelling to the edge of knowledge, then a leap taken."
- D.H. Lawrence

I tend to crawl into my cozy little comfort zone, make some cocoa, grab a blanket and a book and allow myself to hibernate there. 
I know that I need this time. I am an introvert and I NEED alone time in order to stay sane. But I also need to leave my den sometimes and make sure I am seeing to the other parts of life that will enrich and nourish my experience. 
That is one of the main reasons I chose LEAP. 
I want to take leaps of faith, leaps into the unknown, leaps into the known for that matter. Leap into living life to the fullest that I can, trying to make every day count. I know I will not always succeed in this but it always helps to have it in the back of my mind. 

Do you have a word for 2016? 



The Kings said...

I like your word! It probably is a good one for me too as I will be leaping to Europe with you and that will be a big and grand adventure. Also, I have a few goals that I hope to accomplish this year. Good luck in yours!

Seth and Julie said...

I can't wait to hear about your trip!!! How fun! I like your word as well. I think we all get stuck in our comfort zones too often. I did not pick a word, but I think that if I did it would be sleep. Haha! I didn't sleep for a couple years so I have some catching up to do.

Cheryl said...

Mom- yes. Thank goodness I will have you there with me to help me! :)

Julie- Thanks. Haha. I like your word too. I think you deserve a year of sleep after all of your school, teaching seminary, and your own kids/ family stuff. You have been BUSY!