Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December Moments

December was Maddy's last month of dance. She has decided that although she loves it she wants to do something else. 
I took a little video of her through the class door.

I finally saw Mockingjay Part two with my mom and my Aunt Maureen. We loved it. 

After the movie, my mom and I stopped by Chick fi la to get some Peppermint Chocolate Chip shakes. The next day was my niece Mckenna's birthday. She is serving a mission for our church right now and we got these shakes because we were thinking of her. They are something that she loves and she calls them "Christmas in a cup". 

Maddy loved the Sweet tart candy canes. Me- not so much as her eating one would end with a mouth like this...

Doug's work had a Christmas party. Abi went as his date. 

My parents take all the grandchildren to a movie every December. Parents are welcome to tag along (we just pay for ourselves.) This month we went to the Peanuts movie. It was really cute. 

Then we went to lunch afterward. 

Abi started writing a story...

I moved their bunk bed this direction and like it SO much more. 

We enjoyed my favorite book club get together of the year so I was able to get out the Book Tree. 

And we had our fun book exchange. 

After Abi's birthday party (coming up in a separate post) I took the girls to the library. They had fun reading and voting on Beehive books. 

Maddy got really into Magic School Bus books. 
She sat by me reading this one while I was finishing up a book and she read the whole thing in one sitting. 

We had our first big snow storm. I called a snow day. The schools didn't close but it felt like they should and I didn't want to drive up the huge hill on the way to school. So instead we made a list of things we wanted to do. 
The girls played in the snow. 

We watched a Christmas movie in the dark with hot cocoa. 

We had a read-a-thon with popcorn.

And we finished the snow day off with playing our Rudolph game. 

We found a cool house nearby that plays musical lights. 

And I went down to my parents house one day while the girls were in school to bake some goodies. 
I had to take some pictures because I just love my mom's decorations. 

It has been a great December and I am excited to post about more things another day!


  1. I loved all the photos. It was so fun to see and read the comments you posted! Every activity was so much fun. Tell Abi I liked her story! Aren't holiday traditions, activities and memories so much fun!!?!

  2. Thanks! The holiday traditions are the best!

  3. Chloe also quit dance class, which is funny because Maddy and Chloe have always seemed like such similar creatures. She also still choreographs routines and performs them everywhere we go, but we were not thrilled with the studios here. Utah and California have awesome dance studios, but the midwest is all about skating. Your post also reminded me that I still haven't seen Mockingjay Part 2. I didn't like part 1, but as a fan of the series, I should probably see that.

  4. Yeah the studios are good here and I really liked the place she took dance class but she just complained every week that she didn't want to go.
    She loves dancing so much though and dances every day. I think she just likes being in charge of teh choreography! :)
    I agree. Chloe has always reminded me of Maddy too.
